Care for the Community

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola begin with what he calls “The First Principle And Foundation” - that our only desire and our one choice should be this: to want and to choose what better leads to God's deepening His life in each one of us. From that very principle, we empower the mission of learning and building an Ignatian community at the Prep.

The Prep educational experience will present extraordinary learning opportunities for us all. We will reflect together and draw lessons from our experience of the pandemic. Our community will be called upon to embrace a spirit of shared sacrifice to keep our community safe and healthy. This will draw us closer to Christ. We will reflect together on the importance of the dignity of every human being. This will draw us closer to each other and invite us to embrace the kinship we share. We will walk together on this journey.

We believe that on-site, face-to-face learning here at the Prep must be prioritized over distance learning whenever it is safe to do so. And the Prep will prioritize the wellbeing, health and safety of students and employees above all else.

The Prep is committed to promoting practices that reduce the risk of virus transmission and that support our resolve and capacity to be agile adapters when facing changing health circumstances. And the Prep is committed to expert-validated hygiene and health practices that are opportunely and clearly communicated, thoroughly implemented and carefully regulated.
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