
Scholarships & Financial Aid

St. Joseph’s Prep strives for a diverse student body regarding race, ethnicity, socio-economics, and more. The Prep has always been a school where students come from every walk of life, with families in every occupation.
Coming from urban, suburban, and even rural environs, part of the charism of the Prep is these diverse backgrounds which enrich each of us and allow bonds to form that last a lifetime. Prep students learn the value of individual outlooks and ideas; these lessons help them be a part of a community that strives to change the world.

Thus, we cherish the generous donors who help us provide financial aid and scholarships to deserving students who desire a Prep Education. Approximately 70 percent of Prep students receive an academic/merit-based scholarship, financial aid, or a combination of both. 

Academic and Achievement Scholarships and Awards

List of 14 items.

  • The Arete Scholarship

    Funded by Michelle and Chris Gangemi ‘65, this premiere full-tuition scholarship is awarded annually to a student with high academic prowess (as shown through their Prep application, test scores, teacher recommendations, and interviews), demonstrates, academic acumen, achievement, good character, commitment to pursue and attain excellence and who demonstrates financial need. 
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  • Howley Scholar Program

    Funded by The Howley Foundation led by Lorie and Nick Howley ‘70, this full tuition scholarship is awarded annually to 15 high-achieving students with significant financial needs, with a preference given to students from Philadelphia.
  • James F. “Mace” Thompson Scholarship

    Funded by Pam Morris Thompson, widow of James “Mace” Thompson ‘59, the James F. “Mace” Thompson ‘59 Scholarship is awarded each year to a student from the Independence Mission Schools of Philadelphia. Identified in 7th grade by the Director of Admissions in consultation with Principals from The Independence Mission Schools, Thompson Scholars will be invited to the Prep’s Pre-8th Program and test preparation program.  Once accepted, the student will be invited to the Prep’s Pre-9th Program so that they are fully prepared for success in their freshman year.  The scholarship funds 80-100% of tuition based on financial need.
  • Frank ‘73 and Denise Quattrone Scholarships

    Funded by Denise Fodoraro and Frank ‘73 Quattrone, these two (2) full-tuition scholarships are awarded annually to high-achieving students from South Philadelphia or South Jersey from Italian Descent who have demonstrated financial need.
  • Bender Scholarship

    Honoring long-time faculty member Henry Bender ‘63, this $25,000 Scholarship is awarded to a student with strong academic potential and financial need. 
  • Ignatian Scholarships

    Funded by all those who support the Prep Fund, this annual scholarship provides a $15,000 award to approximately ten (10) students who maintain a grade point average of at least 3.3, outstanding performance on the entrance exam (typically in the 98-99th percentiles and outstanding essay), excellent academic profile, history of leadership and service, and an enthusiastic teacher recommendation.
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  • Xaverian Scholarships

    Funded by all those who support the Prep Fund, this annual scholarship provides a $10,000 award annually to approximately 20 students who maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0, outstanding performance on the entrance exam (typically in the 98-99th percentiles and outstanding essay), excellent academic profile, history of leadership and service, and an enthusiastic teacher recommendation.
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  • President and Principal Award

    Funded by all those who support the Prep Fund, this annual scholarship provides a $6,500 award to students who show superior performance on entrance exams (typically in the 98-99th percentiles and outstanding essays) and strong grade school transcripts.
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  • Michael D. Gayda '72 Scholarship Program

    Funded by Michael D. Gayda ‘72, this scholarship is awarded annually to a student with high academic prowess who qualifies for significant financial aid. Based on financial need, it funds 80-100% of tuition.
  • Breakaway Scholarship

    Funded by Ed Snider Youth Hockey & Education, this full-tuition scholarship is awarded to an EITC-qualified student with significant financial need who participates in the Ed Snider Youth Hockey & Education Program.
  • The J. Anthony Hayden ‘62 Scholarship

    Funded by the Hayden Family and Maguire Foundation, this $19,000 scholarship is awarded to a student in the Class of ‘29 who demonstrates financial need and has achieved an 85% average in grades 7 and 8. The student must have a history of participation in at least one ongoing community service activity and one extracurricular activity.
  • The Christopher Robert Clarke ‘86 Scholarship

    Funded by the Family and Friends of Chris Clark, this $15,000 scholarship is awarded to a student with demonstrated financial need.
  • The Dr. Earl Hart Scholarship

    Funded by the friends and family of Dr. Earl Hart, a beloved teacher at The Prep, this $19,000 scholarship is awarded to a student in the Class of ‘29 with demonstrated financial need.
  • Music Scholarship

    Funded by all those who support the Prep Fund, this annual scholarship provides a $6,000 award to approximately three (3) students entering at least one music program ensemble at the Prep with exceptional talent, strong academics in grade school, and good entrance exam scores.
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Additional Awards & Support

List of 2 items.

  • Affinity Awards

    In 2021, the Prep established a program to ensure a student body that mirrors the city and region. These Affinity Awards would signal to specific populations that the Prep values their sons and the experiences they bring with them to our classrooms, our co-curricular programs, and our hallways. The Affinity Awards provide $3000 per year to students who are the sons of:
    • Active First Responders: Firefighters, Police Officers, Active Duty Military, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), Nurses
    • Alumni and/or employees of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
    • Full-time educators or administrators at K-8 schools.
    Anyone wishing to apply for these awards must fill out this form at the time of application, clarifying in which category they qualify. These Affinity Awards will be added to a student’s Financial Aid package. 

  • Other Support

    St. Joseph’s Preparatory School is committed to educating talented students, regardless of their financial situation. To support the realization of this institutional mission, the Prep has a comprehensive financial aid program to enroll students of strong academic potential and good character, with diverse talents, interests, and backgrounds. Additionally, work grants and financial reductions for brothers are available. 

    For information on scholarships from non-SJP organizations and foundations, please CLICK HERE.

Financial Aid

The Prep is committed to providing an education to talented students, regardless of their financial situations. To support the realization of this institutional mission, we have a comprehensive financial aid program in an effort to enroll students of strong academic potential and good character, with diverse talents, varied interests and backgrounds.

St. Joseph's Prep uses Clarity, a third-party company, to determine a family’s level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts.

Due to limits placed on the financial aid budget, funding is not guaranteed and each family is expected to use all available resources in paying for the education of their child. This includes resources from both parents even if divorced or separated, step parents, grandparents or other relatives, church funds, outside scholarships or grants, or any student earnings. Financial aid awards - in the form of a Work Grant or Brother’s Reduction - help bridge the gap between what a family can afford and the full cost of a St. Joseph’s Prep education. In some cases, financial aid awards can be combined with merit scholarships.

List of 2 items.

  • Work Grant

    Financial aid (i.e. financial assistance provided that is not a merit scholarship) will be awarded to the student in the form of a “WORK GRANT.” He will be asked to work in a clerical capacity at a time that is convenient for him. There will be a work requirement of one marking period. He may choose the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th marking period and the time of day, before or after school. A marking period is eight weeks in length; work lasts l/2 hour per day, five days per week.
  • Brothers' Reduction

    A Brothers' Reduction is possible for second and third siblings attending concurrently.  The financial aid process via Clarity must be completed to be considered for a Brothers' Reduction. The Financial Aid Committee will award a Brothers' Reduction in the range of $3,000 to $6,000 based on income level.

Please note:

The application for admission to St. Joseph ‘s Prep will ask whether or not financial assistance is requested, however, a separate application must be completed.

Deadlines for Financial Aid Application

Incoming Freshman Families
November 1, 2024
Incoming Freshman Families with a brother concurrently attending SJP
November 1, 2024
Returning Families Requesting Aid or already Receiving Aid
February 7, 2025

Additional Information

List of 4 items.

  • Special Note to Returning Families

    The Prep recognizes that families’ financial circumstances often change year to year and in order to track those changing needs each family receiving aid is required to submit financial paperwork each year (this includes all Brothers’ Reductions). If you do not resubmit your financial paperwork and apply through Clarity you will not receive any financial assistance for the 2025-26 school year. Families who are not receiving aid but are in financial need should apply as well. New allocations of financial aid may be awarded on a year-to-year basis for current students.
  • Divorced or Separated Parents

    In dealing with divorced or separated parents, the goal of the financial aid office is to gather as much information as possible from both parties, as well as from the spouses of either or both. Each situation is unique and will be handled on an individual basis.
    In the case of divorced or separated parents, each parent retains the obligation to contribute to the education of his or her son, regardless of whether a legal agreement to do so exists. In this instance, both parents must complete a required Financial Aid application either jointly or separately. Financial aid grants will be made only after considering the financial resources of BOTH parents. In the case of separated and/or divorced parents, no information will be given by the school to either parent regarding the other parent's financial disclosures. The assets of both parents will be considered before making any award; the assertion that one parent has disclaimed responsibility for educational expenses does not apply.
    In the case in which one parent has no contact with his child, the custodial parent should submit third-party verification (from clergy, school administration, etc.) regarding the other parent’s absence.
  • Appeals Process

    To appeal the Financial Aid Committee’s decision (to request either an increase in the original award granted or a reconsideration in the event of a zero award), one of the following criteria should be met:
    1. 2024 income has declined by at least 10% compared to 2023 income; or
    2. The family recently suffered a hardship that had negative consequences for the family’s finances. (A detailed explanation is required.)
    For incoming freshmen, a letter must be sent to the Director of Financial Aid by February 1 in order to be reconsidered for any additional aid. Registration must be completed, and an Enrollment Contract and deposit must be received before a letter of appeal will be considered. If the additional aid is not satisfactory, you will receive a refund of deposit. For returning families, a letter must be sent to the Director of Financial Aid by April 28 in order to be considered for any additional aid. An Enrollment Contract and deposit must be received before a letter of appeal will be considered. If the additional aid is not satisfactory, you will receive a refund of deposit.
    All appeals (FOR INCOMING FRESHMEN AND RETURNING FAMILIES) will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Families that appeal will automatically be placed on a waitlist.

    Families are welcome to check on the status of their appeal at any time but notification will only take place in the event of an increase or new allocation. 
  • Outside Scholarship Sources

    For information on scholarships from non-SJP organizations and foundations, please CLICK HERE

Contact Information

Brian McCloskey
Director of Financial Aid